CHW Training Discovery for Disability-Inclusive Health in Kenya

Design and implementation of participatory research to capture collective perspectives, lived experiences and expectations of people living with disabilities for community health worker training interventions in Kenya.
Bayer Foundation and The Missing Billion Initiative

One billion people in the world live with a life-affecting disability. At the same time, they are more likely to be denied healthcare, face discrimination in health services, and experience health disparities. To advance the rights and inclusion of people with disabilities, we aim to gain a comprehensive understanding of the factors influencing healthcare delivery for People Living with Disabilities (PLWDs) by Community Health Workers (CHWs).

Over the next two months, Scope will be joining forces with The Missing Billion Initiative and the Lwala Community Alliance in Kenya, to develop a participatory research model to capture the perspectives and experiences of PLWDs and CHWs in specific communities in Kenya. Leveraging our expertise in human-centered and inclusive design, Scope Impact will create bespoke exploration and research facilitation tools to ensure equitable participation from both groups. The discovery findings will be synthesized into insights, opportunities, and recommendations for CHW training interventions, with the ultimate aim of improving the experience of both CHWs and PLWDs, in delivering and accessing services.

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