Halla Health – a new decentralized health service and diverse data broker

Scope Impact has been developing Halla Health, an AI driven self-care and diverse data brokerage service.
April 13, 2023

Over the last year, Scope Impact has been developing Halla Health, an AI driven self-care and diverse data brokerage service. The mobile application provides users with personalised, location specific health information, support for execution of WHO recommended home-based care tasks and a secure health wallet for storing health data and records. Halla Health encompasses all life stages and includes support for management of climate change related health risks. Halla Health aims to support communities across Europe, Asia and Africa in accessing life-saving health care, save governments resources and bridge the data diversity gap across the health R&D continuum.

Over the next three years, we aim to support 250 million people in accessing critical health information and carry out recommended home-based health tasks. Within our maternal and newborn health module, for example, we will support 2.5 million women in breastfeeding their newborn, prevent 3.7 million children from being malnourished and support 3.2 million mothers in accessing antenatal care.

Scope Impact is currently developing the reproductive health module and the application service design, amongst others.

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